Domenica, 16 Giugno 2024
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Golden girl open soccer abroad

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Golden girl open soccer abroad The fifth golden girls edition who is playing in Spring Summer 2008/2009, is renewed in the regulation and the event will see expand to new horizons. The GOLDEN GIRLS 2008/09 will see the partecipation of European and International foreign footballers. The goal that I would, we hope to carry women footballers in Italy from several foreign countries to compare with our best athetes and promoting womans football with a major football events and image. We can assist with a great challange of the most strong Italian women footballer “THE GOLDEN GIRLS” the rest of the world and the “champion of NO FAIR NO PLAY Waiting to hear the foreign partecipants and define the challange on field( there are already major names), or better a tournament to four formation the drawing up the registration opens to the Italian and foreign footballers , wishing to partecipate in the election of GOLDEN GIRL. Go to the final, footballers elected by the votes accumulated on the web site “women” and the finalists of the regional events. The objectives of regional events. Yes , that’s why in this edition will be elected one more time “The Golden Regional girl” from the experience of the 1st edition. Those events emphasizes the image and the ability of ours women footballers. Companies who want to organize one or more regional events, can ask informations to our editorial. Another important new will be the method of voting the election “ The strongest women footballer” in their role “Clerk Press and the “Mister”. All of them will be voted from the companies during the second part of championship, instead will be reward the best companies A,A2, B Regional series sports, that have accumulated more points, national athletes with the following requirements: football school, youth section, spring, most footballers strong athletes in national events organized, web site, clerk press, marketing office,, points standing, less, discipline points, a.s.o. An award which will emphasizes the companies more organized and it will be a stimulus for other to improve their ability as well. The higher scores will start from the base, the regulations will be published soon as possible. Special prize “NO FAIR NO PLAY” other prizes, and initiatives for an event created to promote the moviment. Golden Girls to strip departure…………….togheter to reinforce the event there will be two special partners: the Onlus organisation presided from Sir Capponi “ NO FAIR NO PLAY” and “2ERRE Orgnization” The headquarters of the event? A charming place of our peninsula..



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Testata giornalistica registrata al Tribunale di Firenze il 15 settembre 2016  n. 6032.
Direttore Walter Pettinati - PROMOITALIA Editore.

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